Friday, February 24, 2012

The Story of Old Man Rivers

This is a writing assignment for my visiting teacher. This story is supposed to be about what is going on in this picture.

Old man Rivers was getting ready for his fishing trip. He put on his hat, his coat and walked with pole in hand down to the river. Every time Mr. Rivers went down there he saw a young boy named Billy. Mr. Rivers felt sorry for the boy because he did not have any money to buy himself a fishing pole. He used a stick. Mr. Rivers thought I will catch the biggest fish ever. He started to fish he fished and fished and fished but he did not get a single bite. He used every lure he had but nothing wanted it. Mr. Rivers heard Billy yell I got one so he rushed over. Before Mr. Rivers could get their Billy caught another fish. Mr. Rivers was amazed that a stick could catch a fish. Mr. Rivers thought if he do not catch a fish no one would think he was good at fishing. He told Billy that he would buy the fish for ten dollars. Mr. Rivers looked to make sure no one saw him give Billy the money. He took his fish home. The end.

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