Monday, December 19, 2011

Looking for Rocks at the River

  On Sunday  me and my family went to a river. The river was called four mile creek. My mom has always wanted to go there and look for rocks. I have gone there may times before and I like to bring back some rocks. There where fossils and crystals and all sorts of cool stuff.  That is not all we found.  

  There were two skeletons. One was a ground hog and the other was a deer and they were mostly complete, but the deer was very gross so I didn't put it on my blog.  I had taken the ground hog skull last summer.  The deer skeleton, on the other hand, was mainly ribs and legs and other various bones.  

During the summer the river is a very good fishing spot.  There are bluegill and catfish that live in the river.  One of the coolest things we discovered, were swallow nests on the bridge going over the river.   Swallows nests are made from mud.  The birds carry it in ther mouths until they are ready to put it on there nests.  It looked like a lot of the nests had fallen off.

  My mom really wanted to find geodes, which there are lots of  in Iowa, but it turns out the rocks there were quarried and might come from out of state. In almost every rock there was a pocket of quartz.  There were the strangest fossils i have ever seen. over all, everybody had a good time.  thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog because I learn a lot from it.
    How did you know one of the skeletons was a groundhog and not, say a rabbit?
    I like swallows a lot. They liked to build their nests in my grandfather's barn. Old people were able to predict rains coming by observing how the swallows were flying. Now they just check on the internet.
